SAVING AND RESTORING ==================== Since omega's dungeon is quite large, only the current dungeon level and the city level will be saved; others will be regenerated as you re-enter them. You might simply consider that the "actual" levels are far larger than is apparent, and you are just traversing a different part on each restore.... If you know the spell of Return, however, (learnable at the Explorers' Club) you will be able to warp to your deepest excursion in the most recently entered dungeon without having to retraverse the old levels in between. Some other shortcuts exist for "warping" from one locale or level to another. UNIX: Games can be restored by giving the save file as a command line argument as in: % omega quasar.sav AMIGA: For Amiga users, You don't need to type the name of the file on the command line in CLI. When the game is loaded however, you must type the name of the player in the file-selection window. UNIX: To at least simulate the continuity of character in the game, saved files will be unlinked on restoration. Of course, you *can* copy them. This is also different for Amiga users. The game is NOT deleted during restoration, due to compensate for slowness of the disk-operation. Save files are automatically compressed unless the flag COMPRESS_SAVE_FILES is undefined in odefs.h. This doubles the amount of time taken to save, but reduces the typical save file from 150K to 15K. AMIGA: Again there is a difference for Amiga users. The save file is not compressed...Besides it is possible to load and restart inside the game with the '!' command.